My daughters behavior has become unbearable. She has more meltdowns and tantrums than before. Now that she has started to vocalize she talks back to me. I tell her no it's time for dinner you can watch T.V. later she gets upset and tells me No! She will throw herself on the floor kicking and screaming!
Attending outings is the same. I do not go if I don't have to. It's not about being embarrassed it's very tiring and overwhelming at times. I've learned a way to approach her tantrums and meltdowns. When she has a meltdown I calm her down by telling her it's ok you don't need to cry. Tell Mommy what's wrong.
When she has a tantrum well that's different because I don't want to influence her behavior so I let her calm down on her own and than explain that if she does what I say she can do what she wants to do. Autism drains you to the point that you have to keep pushing yourself. Autism doesn't have many breaks so why should I? I hope as time goes by it gets a little easier.