It's been a while since I have written a blog post. I have great news to share and remarkable updates about my daughters progress. My daughter has now become fully verbal. Since she was receiving Speech in school and outpatient Speech it has helped tremendously. She is now able to hold a conversation with me and understands when talked to. She can act on emotions and comforts me when she knows something is wrong.
If I tell her I am sad she will respond with " Mommy you are sad? Why are you sad Mommy" I tell her and she says " it's okay mommy" or if she doesn't hug me or give me a kiss I tell her I'm sad and she says " I'm sorry mommy". I ask her how her day in school was she tells me " it was good". She now asks for drinks, food, and toys.
If she can't reach something she says " mommy I can't reach help me please. She knows how to count up to 30 ( still learning to count to 100. One step at a time). She knows how to sound out all of the letters to the alphabet and can spell her name and 2-3 letter words. She pretends to be the teacher and asks me to spell a word.
I say the wrong letter to see if she knows that I said the wrong letter and yes-she knows!!! She says "no mommy it's wrong, try again" lol. She will be in the same program this year with the exception of being mainstreamed for one period a day. If she does well then she will be put in a mainstream class for kindergarten. I am very grateful for all of the help I received from her teachers and therapists.
I am happy with the progress she has made so far. It has not been easy but stay positive and strong and in the end the results will show just how hard you have worked to teach, love and appreciate what god has given you. A precious gift to be cherished forever.