Saturday, October 14, 2023

What True Love Really Is

                                      What True Love Really Is

Have you ever experienced true love? Do you know what true love really is? We all might think that we know and experienced true love, when maybe we were confused on what true love really is.....

Locking eyes and gazing into them,

losing all feeling in your body, is how you know when.... that is true love 

Laughing and smiling every time you see each other,

How much you long to be kissed, hugged and smothered.... that is true love

Receiving good morning/good night texts, is what you look forward to,

they are just as excited to send them to you.... that is true love

Having deep conversations about every thing, 

it's easy flowing and so very interesting....that is true love

Becoming closer and closer by the minutes and the days....

wishing and hoping that it stays.... that is true love

Feeling like a child inside....

it feels like the ocean at high tide.... that is true love

Sharing experiences in life that you both had,

relating to each other even if they were really bad.... that is true love

Having arguments about the littlest things that don't matter,

but we don't know because in that moment it makes us sadder.... that is true love

Being committed to what you want in your life,

A husband or a wife?.... that is true love

Sacrifices and struggles will lead the way,

but its about not letting it stay.... that is true love

When your heart is open it becomes full of their love,

it kind of feels like a fitted glove.... that is true love

Tingly and warm feelings surround your body when you think of them,

finally, no more wondering when.... that is true love

Striving everyday to be the best version of yourself, 

it won't be easy, its gonna feel like an excursion.... that is true love

Knowing that with their support, you will be alright,

having them near every single night.... that is true love

Struggles will always happen in this journey of life,

its about who you want to struggle with, somebody that cant be a husband or wife?.... that is true love

So what is true love? A feeling of deep emotions that make you vulnerable, but when you have a partner that can understand those emotions and feelings you are unstoppable. Supporting each other and being by their side, through anything life throws at you. Old school love is what I believe in.... that is true love