Just because my daughter was receiving A.B.A services didn't mean that the learning stopped there. Once I learned A.B.A I was taking advantage of this opportunity and was going to reach for success. I went and purchased wooden puzzles ( letters, numbers, shapes, vehicles) string beads, wooden blocks. I saved recyclables to use for pretend play. My other daughter has a kitchen set. When I used the puzzles with my daughter at first I let her play with it and try to figure it out. I slowly showed her where the pieces go. I always gave her a choice to pick one.
For instance if we were doing colors I would hold up two colors and say where is pink. Once the puzzle was complete I would ask her for a certain color until it was all cleaned up ( that helps receptively). I also purchased a memory board game which helps her match. Only use four at a time and pictures they might know. I also learned that my daughter loves to use electronics. Now I wish I could of bought an Ipad but it's too expensive. I downloaded learning apps on my phone and bought an inexpensive tablet. You can find many learning apps. I limit the time my daughter uses the tablet and its not everyday because I don't want her to get too attached.
I teach my daughter how to share and take turns by involving my other kids to play with us. When she gets upset I always redirect her frustration and show her the correct way. I softly explain that we need to share. When she wants to keep stuff to herself I take it away and say do you want this she says yes and I say I want you to share it's your sister's turn and when she is done then it's your turn. Simple little actions sometimes resolve these problems. Just because there is a diagnosis doesn't mean they can get away with stuff. They need to be disciplined like others kids. Discipline one discipline all.They need these skills when they go to school. It is important.
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