Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Sons Progress

         As you know my son has ADD/LD. He has been on medicine since his diagnosis in August 2012. His grades have improved dramatically and he even received an honarable mention in school.
        I have slowly taken him off the medicine and he has been able to do the school work all by himself. He still receives great grades in school. He has shown his full potential to me and his teachers. I am very proud of him.
      You see, thats the great thing about giving medicine to your ADHD/ADD child, it can be stopped at any time with no side affects. Medicine is only part of your childs ability to learn, the rest is up to the child.
     The childs self esteem goes up and its boosts their abilities to focus and maintain great grades. I love seeing my son smile when he gets a great test grade. He puts a smile on my face everyday. I am very proud of him. I never doubted his abilities. People need to see the abilities in the child regardless of their disability. I just want parents to know that there is hope for all children with disabilities. It might take some time but the progress will show.

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