When my son was born in 2001 I was the happiest person. He lit up my world. I loved holding him in my arms and kissing him on the forehead. He was my bundle of joy. As the years passed I would see him progress a little but not where he needed to be at age 3. As he started talking he had slurred speech.He wasn't learning the basics, he struggled.
I knew that something was wrong. I was very concerned so I discussed it with the pediatrician. I was told that my son was fine and because he is a boy it will take him longer to talk like a 3 yr. old should.Well I didn't like the answer the Dr. gave me so I switched pediatricians. I picked a pediatrician that was in another city. I had to travel 30 minutes to get there but it was so worth it. ( I still have the same pediatrician).
When I discussed my concerns with the new pediatrician he right away reffered me to a specialist. Even the specialist was on board that there was something wrong and my son needed services. What I am trying to point out is if you have concerns about your child bring it to the Dr.'s attention.
If the Dr. says there is nothing wrong with your child but YOU have concerns, go for a second opinion or find another Dr. that will listen to you. As parents we know our children best. Sometimes you have to disagree with the Dr. if you feel different about something. If I continued with the previous Dr. my son would have missed out on services to help him better his education.
My son is 11 yrs. old and in 6th grade. His speech is clear due to intense speech therapy. His grades have improved. He was diagnosed and was able to recieve the services to fit his needs. My son is finally on the right track to success. Thanks to my perserverence and determination and the Dr.'s willingness to provide us with the best care I never lost HOPE. Do what you think is best for your child, fight the fight and never lose Faith and Hope.
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