Thursday, October 24, 2013

Knowing The Signs Of Autism

   As a parent of three children I always looked forward to seeing when they first crawled, when they stood up on their own, their first step, their first word. These are basic signs every parent should suspect as their child grows. But what happens when the child doesn't exhibit these accomplishments or stops making progress. Well then as a parent that's where some common sense comes in and you are now alerted that something is going on. Don't ignore your suspicions. Knowing the signs of Autism or any disability comes from the parents concerns first. We know our children best. We have to act quickly when we feel something is not right. Its the only way to receive the best diagnoses and services. As much as it overwhelms you and makes you cry to think or know that something can be wrong you have to stay positive and stay strong. Its only a diagnosis and does not change who your child is. Here are some signs of Autism to look for:
  • Poor eye contact
  •  Repetitive behaviors ( lining items in a row, watches shows repeatedly, hand flapping)
  •  Loss of speech
  •  Walking on tip toes
  •  Poor social skills
  •  Plays by themselves and plays with a particular part of toy ( like wheels on a car)
  •  Struggles to express feelings
  • Doesn't exhibit understanding of ones directions
It is very difficult to see your child struggle in many areas but by not being aware of what's going on is even more difficult. As parents you will hurt, cry, and have so many questions. Take the first step in understanding the signs and then keep moving forward to help your child achieve their full potential. You are never alone on your journey. There are many parents who are on the same journey. You just have to walk alongside your child and they will guide you down the path and show you the way. Never lose HOPE!!

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